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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Garlic Lobster

Garlic Lobster


    Lobster is a type of shellfish that is typically prepared by boiling or steaming. Despite its desirable reputation today, lobster was not always known as a pricey indulgence. In the 17th century, colonists in Massachusetts considered lobster shells in a home to be a sign of poverty and only fed lobster to their servants. In the 1940s, it was possible to buy a can of baked beans for 53 cents per pound and canned lobster for 11 cents per pound.


1: Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce cholesterol.
Fish and shellfish, such as lobster, are especially important for providing omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in very few foods.
Although the fatty acid content in lobster is not the highest among fish and shellfish, it is still a considerable source of these essential nutrients.


Copper works with iron to form red blood cells. Consuming adequate copper will benefit people with all forms of anemia. Lobster has one of the highest copper contents of any food.

3: Boosts Energy

One of the best things about this undersea delicacy is the high content of protein that can be found in that delicious meat.

4: Strengthens Bones

To ensure healthy and durable bones well into your old age, it is essential that you get the recommended dose of essential minerals every day. Lobster is not only one of the tastiest meals around, but also one of the densest when it comes to calcium and phosphorus.

5: Reduces Inflammation

It has been shown that the protein and “good” fat content found in this crustacean can actually result in decreased inflammation within the body.

6: Low calories

Lobster calories are meager and are excellent choices for people who lose weight and fitness. Lobster's satiety is also good, eat more lobster to help lose weight.

Today we will cook delicious Garlic Lobster


  1. 1 Lobster
  2. 3 green onion
  3. 5 garlic
  4. 1 ginger
  5. salt


  1.  Put a lobster cleaned then
  2. Remove the head shell to dispatch the lobster. You can discard these, or trim them so that they can sit upright on the plate. 
  3. Cut off the mouth portion of the lobster head with a cleaver.
  4.  Cut or twist off the lobster claws.Set those aside.
  5. Cut the lobster from the middle.
  6. Chopped all the ingredients (remember!be sure to cut into small blocks)
  7. Mix onion, ginger, and garlic and add a wine sauce.
  8. Place all the ingredients on the lobster cuts.(as the picture shows)
  9. Place lobsters cut-side up on a plate that fits inside the steamer, spoon over three-quarters of sauce and steam, covered until just cooked through (12-15 minutes). 

The delicious and nutritious lobster meal is completed!
I hope you like it, go and kitchen act now!

Steamed Chinese Pomfret

 Steamed Chinese Pomfret

    Fish is among the healthiest foods on the planet. It is loaded with essential nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D.Fish is also the world's best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for your body and brain.

   Fish Is High in Important Nutrients. Generally speaking, all types of fish are right for you. They are high in many nutrients that most people aren't getting enough of. This includes high-quality protein, iodine and various vitamins and minerals.
  Fish May Lower Your Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes, Heart attacks and strokes are the two most common causes of premature death in the world. Fish Contains Nutrients That Are Crucial During Development. Omega-3 fatty acids are absolutely essential for growth and development.

  What's interesting is fish May Help Prevent and Treat Depression, Making You a Happier Person
Depression is a severe and incredibly common mental disorder.

SO eating fatty fish at least once or twice a week is recommended!

   I really like to eat fish. I think fish is healthy and low in calories.  Pomfret is a kind of fish that I mainly want. Its meat is very delicious, and it has very few thorns. It is suitable for all people to eat. Today I will teach you how to make this delicious fish.

Green onion  2 Sprig
Ginger, 5 slices
soy sauce

  Slant the knife against the body of the fish and make two thick cut across it and on both sides of the fish ( in the direction of the fin towards the stomach).  Insert the wedged ginger into the slit.This allows the inside of the fish to be evenly cooked. Then put ginger and green onion into the fish's belly to make it better.

Apply alcohol to both sides of the fish and spread the salt evenly.

Cut green onion into silk.

In a wok, add enough water to cover the rack and boil over high heat. When it’s boiling, put the fish on the shelf and cover it and steam for about 8 mins over high heat. When it is done, turn off the heat and set the spring onion on top of the fish.

    Finally, pour in a bowl of soy sauce and topped with hot oil.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Breakfast make you more health —— Scallion Egg Pancakes

Breakfast makes you more health — Scallion Egg Pancakes 

Are you tired of hearing about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, this advice probably not going to stop until more of us start eating our morning meals.

Breakfast is a must for all of us. It is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast is very important for our health and weight management, but not having it at all is the worst option. Eating in the morning is just a matter of habit. Taking 10 minutes to make and eat some healthy food in the morning can be simple.

Healthy and nutritious breakfast reduce risk for starving as well as cravings and overeating later in the day.
Having breakfast helps feel fuller for longer and eat fewer calories throughout the day and that way control your weight.
Eating breakfast has been associated with a lower incidence of heart disease.
Eating a nutritious breakfast helps improve your concentration and productivity.
If you don‘t eat breakfast you may have worse moods during the day.

Today I want to teach you some simple Chinese breakfast,Give you a beautiful day. The egg and green onion crepe are light and fluffy. It's flavor simple and comforting.  The recipe contains only 5 ingredients and takes 10 minutes to cook. Enjoy this hearty breakfast.

What You Need:
2 1/2 cups white flour
1 cup warm water1 bunch scallions

2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine eggs and 1/2 cup water in a medium-sized bowl. Whisk until egg is just combined with water.

Sift in flour and whisk until flour is fully combined and there are no lumps in the mixture.
Add salt and green onion and mix well.
Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a medium-sized nonstick skillet until warm. Use a small ladle to add about 4 tablespoons of batter to the skillet and immediately swirl the skillet to spread the batter into a thin, round-shaped crepe.

Waiting for three minutes is complete.

A rich breakfast is so simple! You can add a cup of hot milk or coffee, this will make your day better.
I hope you learned this simple breakfast, better take care of your body and make your life healthier.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Asian Beef Stew

Asian Beef Stew 
    Beef is the meat of cows. This is a common animal food in the world, processed and used in many ways, in many cultures and different religion.Beef is one of the meats which are most widely used in the human life. In addition to providing human beings with the important and precious nutritional values; beef also brings about many benefits for health that people should know.

 Calorie-for-calorie, beef is one of the most nutrient-rich foods in the world. Not only does it provide you with a bundle of essential nutrients, but it also has one of the highest concentrations of these nutrients compared to many other proteins. Today, let we look at how the Asian people cook beef!

cut like this size

Today I will teach you cooking Asian Beef Stew
Chinese cabbage
soy sauce
wine, sake, or sherry
Chinese cabbage



Heat 2 tbsp of the oil in a large, shallow casserole. Fry the garlic, ginger for 3 mins until soft and fragrant.

Add the beef and stir-fry for another 3-5 minutes.
Pour the wine in and cook for 30 seconds. Add light and dark soy sauce and bring it to boil.

Add water, star anise, cinnamon stick and orange peel (optional). Bring it to boil again and use medium-low heat to simmer for 1.5 hours. Check and stir it often. If you think the water is a bit low in the pot you can add a little bit hot water to adjust it.

The beef should be nearly soft after 1.5-hour cooking and then add the radish and potato. Cook until the radish and potato are soft and this dish is nearly ready.
Add Chinese cabbage cook 5 minutes 
Check the seasonings to suit your taste before serving.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Reflection paper on "How to be the most destructive force on campus

Reflection paper on "How to be the most destructive force on campus"

M. Craig Pittman symposium on destructive “How to be the most destructive force on campus” was of its kind. It revealed how things which seem impossible on the campus were possible. The symposium had a lot of lessons especially for students who don’t believe in their abilities and potential. The speaker talked about a campus newspaper by the name Trop. The paper was at one time seen as a campus public relation arm while others viewed it as a Newspaper. The writing and the strength of the editors were to be seen later when it started hitting the headlines. Right away at this point, I learned the importance of exploring our potential.   

           The symposium gave me a chance of learning the art of coming up with new things, doing them differently to achieve greater heights results. Being a campus paper and run by the members of the university, the Trap could not be compared with other local newspapers which had resources and fully skilled human resource. But from the headlines that featured in it, the public perception of the Trap changed. This was when headlines such as “Drug busts in the dorms” and “Ethics commission investigates of a
From this pace, I was encouraged, and by now the speaker had already stirred my mind, and I could see things with a possibility mentality. According to the speaker, this was indeed an achievement.
I also discovered that the Trap paper had organized manpower who knew what they were doing. This is because the paper had also funny topics published. This told so much about the paper and the determination that was with the team. Some of the funny articles ever printed on the Trap paper are the “Midnight raid on the art room” and the “adventures of the Thorndike Pike.” This made me think and reflect on my level of organization in doing things. This point also made me reflect on the inclusivity of the different aspects of the main idea. Judging from my point, this job could not be accomplished by a single person but rather by a team; I was able to learn the art of carrying out my activities when I am in a team. From the symposium, the risks and challenges were also discussed. This was through sharing challenges that were experienced in the laying of the foundation of the Trap newspaper. At one time, David McFarland was fired; this caused the funding of the paper to stop momentarily.         
What motivated me most and encouraged me were the lessons I learned from the achievements of the Trap. There are important lessons I learned in the field of journalism and working as an editor. Some of these lessons are that words do matter in journalism, powerful people are always hurt by the truth, and it makes them so angry.
From the lessons, I learned that one should always mind the messaging they are passing and if the message is genuine or it meant to tarnish someone’s image. An important message from this is professionalism. Truth in journalism was discussed at length. The symposium was so informative especially to the students since they have been able to see the results of any positive effort.               

Friday, February 16, 2018

Chinese Shrimp Meatball Soup

Chinese Style Shrimp Meatball Soup

   In a cold weather, soup is your best friend! If you are a shrimp lover, then I hope you can like this soup! — Chinese Style Shrimp Meatball Soup
   If you don't like shrimp! let me tell you to shrimp benefits!
   They're low in calories.One medium shrimp provides about 7 calories, which means a dozen add up to less than 85 calories-roughly 15 less than a 3-ounce chicken breast (about the size of a deck of cards in thickness and width).They're protein-rich.In addition to their water content, shrimp are primarily made of protein. Aside from protein, shrimp provide a pretty impressive array of nutrients.
    So in my opinion, shrimp is really good food. If you are not allergic to it then you should love it!

Alright! Let's learn this soup now!

Shrimp Balls:
1 lb large easy-peel shrimp
1 scallion, minced
1 large egg, beaten
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 tsp peeled and minced fresh ginger
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground white pepper

shrimp shells from the peeled shrimp
3 scallions
fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic
soy sauce
Asian dark sesame oil

Chinese cabbage
mushrooms(You can also join any of your favorite vegetables)

To make the shrimp balls, peel and devein the shrimp, reserving the shells for the soup. Pulse the shrimp meat in a food processor fitted with the chopping blade about 10 times, or until processed into a very coarse puree. Transfer to a bowl. Add the minced scallion, egg, cornstarch, ginger, salt, and pepper and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes or up to 2 hours.

     To make the soup, crush the scallions, the ginger, and garlic.Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes to blend the flavors.

    Using a heaping tablespoon for each, drop spoonfuls of the shrimp mixture into the simmering broth--they will firm up when they hit the broth. Do not attempt to shape the mixture into smooth balls with your hands. Cover and simmer until the shrimp balls are firm and cooked through, about 10 minutes.
    Finally, add the prepared vegetables. (Vegetables can be cut into any shape you like)
    Ladle into bowls and serve with soy sauce and sesame oil passed on the side for seasoning.

Korean Crab Soup

Korean Crab Soup

Asians like to eat crabs, which is my favorite! Spring crabs are tasty. Blue crabs are immigrants from the east coast of North America, where they are common and extensively fished. It is a blue crab season where I live and I was inspired to make crab stew in Korean style. Blue crabs are closest to the Korean crabs. However, Korean crabs are much softer, which means easy to peel and take the meat out.of the shell. That doesn't mean you can't have the delicious stew. If you can find the Korean crabs, that would be the best, but blue crabs will do the job.

To clean, just separate the top shell from its body and clean out. The orange part is the eggs, I would keep them. Cut off the skinny legs except for the claws. Save the legs and the top shell to make stock with.

Rinse very well, and quarter the crabs.

You will also need these vegetables. Chinese cabbage, Korean tofu, Kimichi, bean sprouts, tomatoes, parsley, mushrooms. These vegetables are very healthy vegetables, of course, you can also add your favorite vegetables. These vegetables can be easily bought in Asian supermarkets.

Make the seasoning paste by combining chili flakes, chili paste, soybean paste, garlic, soy sauce for soup, and fish sauce. Add five glasses of water and boil. Add the crab pieces and bring to a gentle boil. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes.

First, add kimchi and tofu, because we want the soup to have more kimchi flavor. Tofu is more difficult to taste, so need more time. Simmer for 15 minutes. Finally, add all the vegetables and garlic, and continue to cook for another 3-4 minutes. Taste the broth and adjust the seasoning according to your taste.

This time can be accompanied by a bowl of rice, served with rice and enjoy the great flavor of the ocean. Crab stew is one of the most popular seafood stew in Korean!I hope you can like this Korean crab soup this is a very healthy dish, if you are in the diet or want to eat healthy this is definitely the best choice!

Garlic Lobster